Dave's Daredevil Podcast

The Podcast Without Fear

Episode 31- The Assassination of Matt Murdock

The good thing: Elektra is back! Bad news: She’s brought the deadly ninja clan, The Hand, with her, and they have Matt Murdock on their list. Can Elektra save Matt, […]

Episode 30- Lady Killer

After the intensity of the last few issues, isn’t it nice to have a breather for once? Daredevil wouldn’t know, because there is a vicious man attacking women. And, Matt […]

Episode 29- Gang War

The Kingpin reclaims his throne following the tragic events of last issue. Daredevil must contend with everything but the kitchen sink as New York’s organized crime feels the ramifications of […]

Episode 28- In the Kingpin’s Clutches

Daredevil goes to work for The Kingpin. Well, Matt Murdock does, anyway. With the villain holding files that could convict the highest-ranking criminals in New York, the Man Without Fear […]

Episode 27- The Kingpin Must Die

As if Elektra and Bullseye weren’t enough of a handful- Enter The Kingpin! Daredevil finds himself right in the middle of an escalating gang war, as Wilson Fisk’s wife is […]